Monday, January 26, 2009

Janko of Satyamohan

नेपालभाषाया नांजाःम्ह च्वमि लिसें देय्या हे विख्यात संस्कृतिविद् भाजु सत्यमोहन जोशीया स्वक्वःगु ज्याःजंक्व जूगु दु । नेवाः संस्कारय् मनू ८८ दँ ८ ला व ८ न्हु दत कि स्वक्वःगु ज्याःजंक्व याइगु चलन दु ।

We would like to wish him health, active life and dedication to Newar and Nepali culture.

Friday, January 23, 2009


I'm coming back after a long silence. Please read new blogs soon

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Demand of a Newarland

Lately though, the Newar leaders of the kathmandu Valley went to the streed and raged their demand for a separate Newar State. I would like to contratuolate all the participants and orgnisers.

it will not be fair not to raise issue of newarland when all the people from Seti to Ilam have been raging war in teh name of ethnic autonomy.

Now, after taking the mass to a street, the orgnisers should not forget teh sisue. they should continue the whole process and raise voice agsisnst those
Ward secretaries who have no knowledge about the Buddhist temples.